How to Grow Anthurium in Water?

Today’s Topic of Discussion: How to Grow Anthurium in Water? We know that Anthuriums can propagate through Stem Cutting and Divisions. growing those in potting mix or in the garden is pretty easy. Do you know we can also grow Anthuriums in water?  It is an easy process Although not recommended for commercial purposes.

You will need a few things to grow Anthurium in water. The first and most important is a healthy Anthurium plant to take Stem cutting. Next, get a Glass jar or a transparent plastic container. Pickle jars are best for this purpose. Now you have everything to go. Just fill the jar with clean water and keep reading for details.

How to Grow Anthurium in Water?
How to Grow Anthurium in Water?

How to Propagate Anthurium by Division?

Can Anthurium Plant Grow in Water?

Anthurium plant grows aerial root nodes. It is pretty easy for the plant to develop new roots from these nodes. In nature, Anthuriums develop aerial roots for support and also to intake extra moisture and nutrition for the surrounding.

Now If we use this characteristic carefully then growing Anthurium in water is easy. First, we have to root the stem cutting or division in plain water. Keep in mind this approach doesn’t work with seed. Anthurium seeds don’t germinate in plain water.

It is possible yet the main concern is whether this approach is feasible or not. The answer obviously not very satisfying. You can grow Anthurium plant in water although the plant will never grow to its optimum quality in plain water. At some point in the plants like you have to shift it to solid growing media. One major problem here is that Anthuriums rooted in water do not adapt easily to the solid soil mix. The compatibility with transplants is a big problem.

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Is it good to grow Anthurium in Water?

It is true that we can grow Anthurium in water. Although it is not a good approach. Growing Anthurium in lain water is a pretty challenging task. Even if you succeed to keep the plant alive for long it may never grow to its optimum size. Also, these plants may not bloom properly in water. Those who bloom will have inferior flower quality.

The fungal diseases and frequent root rot problems also cause difficulty. Overall it is good to grow Anthurium in water if you are aware of its drawbacks. This will not be an easy task. This approach will require extra care and regular maintenance. If you are comfortable with all of these then good to go.

How to Grow Anthurium by Stem Cutting?

Rooting Anthurium in Water

  1. Start with Selecting a healthy 4 to 6-inch Anthurium stem with at least 1 root node. Anthurium stem without root node can also develop roots although the chance of rooting is very less than rotting.
  2. Clean the jar properly before filling the water. Don’t use any container with a chance of fungal spore. Old containers or food boxes have a high risk of fungal growth. Either avoid dirty jars or boxes or clean and treat them with fungicide before use. You can use wine or Alcohol to rinse the jar for protection against fungal infestation.
  3.  Next, fill 1/2 of the glass jar with clean water. Avoid chlorinated water, it may harm the stem cutting.  Adjust the water level according to the stem length. The water should barely touch the root node. Never submerge the Anthurium stem in water else it will rot.
  4. Gently plant 2 or 3 stems together in a single jar. The number is to ensure at least one will develop root successfully.
  5. Rinse Jar and change the water every alternate day to avoid algae growth.
  6. Reduce the water level as the roots grow longer. Always keep it just in contact with the roots, not fully dipped.
  7. The Anthurium Plant will be ready to transplant when it grows 1 inch long roots. Don’t wait long if you want to grow the new plants in the container with soil. These new plants may have difficulty with transplants and it is the nature of Anthurium plants. You can’t do much to ensure a successful transplant to the soil.
  8. Meanwhile, keep the Anthurium plant clean. Change the water regularly and remove dead or diseased leaves as soon as possible.
  9. You can put a few cloves in the water every time after changing. It will avoid fungal growth and root rot to some extent. It is not 100% successful yet your plant will benefit for some days.
  10. Lastly, separate each new plant into its individual jar. Move them once they grow a couple of new leaves and plenty of roots in the water.

The disadvantage of Rooting Anthuriums in Water

There are quite a few disadvantages of Rooting Anthuriums in Plain water. I am not fond of discussing the drawbacks of any gardening techniques. It is an individual’s choice and you are free to choose the way you like to grow Anthurium. Although it is important for the entire procedure and fact is the fact. So here we go…

  1. It is a tricky process to Root Anthurium in plain water.
  2. This technique has a high risk of root rot and stem rot.
  3. Anthurium plants don’t prefer too much moisture and this approach apposes their needs.
  4. Anthurium in water requires regular care and maintenance.
  5. The success rate of this technique is not very good.
  6. The Anthurium grown in plain water have difficulty transplanting to the soil mix.
  7. These plants may never bloom in plain water.
  8. Anthuriums never grow to their optimum size in plain water.

Is there any Better way To do this?

Indeed there is a more elegant and successful way to grow Anthurium in water. instead of growing the cutting in plain water. you can use Solid media like Perlite or LUCA balls with water. They provide stability and a relatively natural environment to the anthurium Plants.

If you are unaware then let me explain, Perlite is a porous rock glass. It doesn’t absorb water instead it allows water to move freely through the tiny pathways inside it. the atmospheric pressure is responsible for the capillary effect that sucks water upward to the roots. LUCA also works on the same principle. It is simply an elegant or fancy term for expanded Soi balls. These balls are also porous and permeable to air and water. The only difference between perlite and LUCA is that perlite is cheap and lighter than LUCA balls.

You can use any of these two media to grow Anthurium in a soilless environment.

How to Root Anthurium in Water with Perlite or LUCA balls?

  1. Use a clean jar and fill it with perlite or LUCA.
  2. Pour water to fill at least 1/3rd of the jar.
  3. Place the Stem cutting carefully inside it and let it absorb the moisture.
  4. Don’t let the water touch the  Plant stem.
  5. Clean and rinse the perlite or LUCA in 10-15 days. Frequent cleaning is better although try not to damage the root system inside it.
  6. How to Grow Anthuriums from Seed?

Advantage of using LUCA, Perlite for Rooting Anthuriums

  1. Both Perlite and LUCA provide a solid support for the Anthurium Stem Cutting.
  2. These materials are relevant to the natural soil environment for the Anthurium Plant.
  3. Perlite and LUCA balls provide better aeration for the roots along with the abundance of moisture.
  4. You can also feed these plants with fertilizer granules as LUCA and perlite are solid and permeable.
  5. Anthurium plants are easy to transplant from LUCA to any soil mix. The compatibility is also better than plain water-grown plants.


Hi, My name is Sukant. I am an I.T professional. Gardening for me is not just a hobby, it's a way of living life with nature. My Ancestors were Commercial farmers: So I personally feel attached to the green. I am not an expert, I'm here only to share my gardening experiences. It's always Refreshing.

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