Welcome back everyone, here is another interesting list of Vegetables to Grow in June. June is the peak summer month in many countries. It is quite late to start your summer vegetable now although you can grow most of them with seedlings. You will need to buy these seedlings from a local nursery or any plant store. If you want to start your garden with seeds then it’s time for early fall garden preparation. There’s a lot to do so don’t waste your time, Get ready and start your vegetable garden today. You can check my favorite summer vegetable seeds on Amazon.
How to Grow Anthuriums from Seed?
28 Vegetables to Grow in June
- Beans are the best vegetable for summers. They can tolerate heat and grow fast. These vines only require warm moist healthy soil. They can mature in just 90-100 days after plantation. So if you haven’t yet started growing beans then June is the right time to give it a go. Check out bean seeds on Amazon.
- Ideal for USDA zone 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 through 13.
- How to Grow Green Beans: Phaseolus vulgaris?
- Beet is another easy-to-grow vegetable. It requires soft moist soil and warm weather. They can mature in just 100-110 days. Beets are also suitable for container gardening. Therefore You can easily grow beets during June.
- Ideal for USDA zone 3 through 7.
Bok Choy
- The mild flavor of bok choy makes it a favorite. If you like Chinese or Korean food then you should grow bok choy. It’s fun to grow and great to cook. This leafy vegetable only requires soft moist healthy well-drained soil. Once grown it matures to harvest within 100 days. Bok Choy prefers warm humid conditions without much care. It may be a good choice for the June vegetable garden.
- Ideal Vegetable for USDA zone: 3 through 7.
- Buy Bok Choy seeds on Amazon.
Swiss Chard
- Swiss chard is another mild flavor leafy vegetable. It is considered a cool-weather crop. Still, you can grow these in cool Northern parts during June. If the outdoor temperature exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit then uses an overhead green net for protection against sunburn. Swiss chard is a great cooking alternative for spinach and kale.
- Ideal for USDA zone 2 to 6. It can also survive in some parts of zone 7 in June.
- Another green healthy alternative for your vegetable garden during June month. It will take 100-110 days to mature at an ideal temperature. So you can easily grow and harvest broccoli throughout summer.
- Broccoli is ideal for USDA zone 3 through 7b.
- Cabbage is preferably a cool weather leafy vegetable. Therefore if you want to grow cabbage during June then avoid the overhead sun during noon. Most of the time green net is not necessary for cabbage. Although make sure to protect if the temperature exceeds 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Ideal for USDA zone 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Another tasty delicious cool weather vegetable. If you like it then it’s time to start the seedlings. The seedlings will be ready to transplant by July end and mature by mid-September. Only care for the seedlings as they prefer part shade on hot June days.
- Ideal for Zone 3 through 7
- I bet most of you like carrots. It is a sweet delight and way more fun to grow than cooking. It will take time to grow and mature. So if you want to grow carrots for the holiday season then June is probably the right season to start.
- You can sow carrot seeds in USDA zone 3 through 8 during June month.
- Can you Grow Carrots in Containers?
- June is not the ideal time to grow radishes yet don’t worry. They will grow fine, keep in mind you are growing radishes for your kitchen not for sale. So a little change is not a big problem. Start with soft moist soil and healthy radish seeds. If everything goes well then your radishes will be ready to harvest within 100 days.
- Ideal vegetable for zone 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- 20 Best Companion Plants for Radishes
- There are plenty of summer corn varieties available specifically for your locality. Just visit your local seed store and ask for the best compatible varieties for your climatic conditions. Sow the seeds and they will be ready for harvest within 150-180 days. keep in mind if you are new with corns then start with just 5 -10 plants in 10*10 feet garden space.
- Corn is ideal to grow in any zone. Only chose the best corn variety for your locality.
- It is better to start cucumbers early in spring for the summer garden. Although don’t worry if you are late, you can still grow cucumber in June. There are many late-season summer cucumber varieties available for growing. Choose one with caution according to your local climate and start growing cucumbers.
- Cucumber is ideal to grow in USDA zone 3 through 9.
- Why do some cucumbers Taste bitter?- Gardeners Guide
Summer Gourds
- Summer gourds are the best choice for vegetables to grow in June. Buy a few healthy summer gourd seedlings for a nursery and then plant them in a container or the garden. Care for the plant for 90-110 days until they start fruiting.
- Summer gourds are ideal for zone 3 through 11
- Is Squash a Gourd? Kitchen Garden facts
- Eggplant is a fall-season vegetable. It prefers a mild climate although you can easily start the seedling during June. Sow the seeds in an indoor garden or seedling tray. Keep the seedling safe and healthy until they mature to transplant. If you sow eggplants in June then the seedlings will be ready to transplant by July end. The plant will fruit from mid-August through October till the first frost. If you want a head start then start your garden with eggplant seedlings in June.
- Eggplant is ideal for the June garden in zone 3 through 11
- How to grow Eggplant (Brinjal) from seed?
- Capsicum or Bell pepper is a summer vegetable. It is quite easy to grow and maintain. You can start your June garden with capsicum seedlings as well as seeds. I prefer seedlings as they yield faster although the choice is yours.
- Capsicum is ideal for Zone 3 though 9
- Peppers are among my favorite vegetables to grow in June. They can tolerate extreme heat and are perennial in most environments. This makes a pepper plant an ideal choice for indoor as well as outdoor summer gardens. just allow proper sunlight to your prepper plants and keep harvesting until the first frost.
- Different varieties of Pepper can grow in any hardiness zone. Choose the best pepper variety for your local climate.
- How to Grow Pepper Plants in Containers
- If you like sweet melons then June is the last time to start the plants. It’s not the ideal season yet it’s not too late for this seasonal vine. Start melons with nursery-bought seedlings instead of seeds. June is not the perfect time to start melons with seeds. Seedlings on the other hand can mature to fruit within 90 days. therefore give it a try this year.
- Melons are ideal for USDA zone 3 through 7.
- You can grow peas in June. It is easy to start, just sow the seeds in moist healthy soil and help the seedlings to grow upward. Install support and keep the plants clean and healthy. Your pea plants will start fruiting within 80-95 days of seed germination.
- Peas are ideal for USDA zone 3 through 8
- June is the right time to start your squash plants. It’s for the late summer and fall vegetable garden, so if you want early fruiting then start in June.
- Squash is ideal for USDA zone 3 through 11
- Summer tomato varieties can still be grown in June. You should start the tomato vegetable in June with seedlings. Don’t go for seeds as it will take another 6 weeks to mature as seedlings. You will not have that much time for a tomato garden this year, so start with nursery-bought seedlings.
- Tomatoes are ideal for zone 3 through 10. Some varieties can still grow in zone 11 and above.
- When to Plant Tomatoes Indoor & Outdoor?
- You can plant summer okra varieties in June. They will grow and be ready to fruit by mid-August.
- Okras are ideal for zone 4 through 11 for specific varieties.
- How to Grow Okra in containers?-Kitchen Garden
- If you like root vegetables like radishes then turnip is the best choice for the summer June vegetable garden. Start with healthy seeds in a moist organic soil mix. They will be ready to harvest within 100 days.
Onion & Shallots
- It’s quite late to grow onions although you can show seeds in June for shallots and Bunching Onions. Onion and chives can grow anywhere during June.
- Potato prefers cool weather Although you can start potato early in June. June is the right time to sow potatoes, especially in USDA zone 3 through 7. Only care for overheating and dehydration.
- You can grow spinach anywhere any time of the year. If ist too hot outside then grow them indoors in containers. Outdoor gardeners can sow spinach seeds in zone 3 through 7 during June.
Bitter Gourd
- Bitter gourd is a tropical delicacy, not for its taste but for its health benefits. If you like then you can start them in June. It is pretty late for these vines yet they will yield sufficient fruits till the first frost.
- Bitter Gourd: How to Germinate, Grow and Care bitter melons
Apple Gourd
- You can also grow apple gourds in the June summer garden. It’s not a very common vegetable yet a delicious one. It requires warm weather with consistently moist soil.
- You can also grow pumpkins in June. It is the ideal time to start pumpkin seedlings. They will be ready to transplant by July end. The pumpkin plants will mature and start fruiting 3 to 4 weeks before Thanksgiving.
Bottle Gourd
- Bottle gourd is another delicacy for the summer garden. It is one of the easiest vegetables to grow in June. There are different varieties available for different climatic conditions and soil types. Therefore there is always a variety for every USDA zone. Just choose the one you like and grow for your family.
There’s plenty more to add to this list and I know I missed a lot of interesting vegetables this time. So if you find something interesting and worthy for this list then let me know in the comment box.
10 Herbs To Grow in June
- Basil
- Mints
- Thyme
- Oregano
- Dil
- Sage
- Parsley
- Cilantro
- Lavender
- Calendula
Check out: Gardening of Fresh Mint- Grow your own herbs in containers
If you need something fragrant and delicious to fill up with your veggies then these herbs are for you. You can grow ost of these herbs alongside other vegetables in your garden during June. Herbs are pretty easy to grow and most of them can adapt easily to part shade. Therefore you can align the herbs on the side of vegetable beds or near the fence or sidewalls.