Anthurium is a beautiful decorative house plant. It is a low-maintenance perennial flowering plant. Today, we will discuss How to Propagate Anthurium by Division? If you are interested in house plants, especially Anthuriums then this article is for you.
If you have a Beautiful Anthurium in your house and you want to multiply it then Division by root is really helpful. You can make divisions and grow them individually for a garage sale or for your friends and neighbors. Anthuriums are one of the best gifting plants and with divisions, you can make plenty of it.
Check out my previous post: How to Grow Butterfly Pea Indoors?
Basics about Anthuriums
- Common Name: Anthurium, Tailflower, Flamingo flower, Laceleaf
- Family: Araceae
- Genus: Anthurium
- Species: There are 18 known sections with 150 or more Anthurium plant Species available worldwide.
- Plant type: Perennial Herbaceous Flowering Plant.
- Plant Size: 10 to 25 inches in an average controlled environment. In an open garden, these plants can grow longer than 3 feet. Although it is not very common.
- Habitat: It is a shade-loving plant compatible with a mild climate. They are ideal for the moderate tropical environment and indoor gardens.
- Hardiness: Anthuriums are hardy in USDA zone 7 through 9. Although they can survive anywhere as indoor house plants.
- Temperature: These plants prefer an average temperature between 16-22 degrees Celcius (60-75 Fahrenheit).
- Soil: These plants prefer soft moist well-drained soil. Plain garden soil is usually not so good for Anthuriums. Use Commercial potting soil with compost for the best result.
- Light: These plants need low light than any other indoor house plant. They can grow well in full shade without direct sunlight. Although complete dark areas are not good for plant growth.
Advantages of Propagating Anthurium by Division
- It is easy to make Anthurium Divisions. Most of the time our hands are sufficient tools for this job. If it’s not then use a sharp knife or shear to finish it.
- Anthurium divisions are more mature than seedlings. They grow faster and can bloom within 6 months.
- Anthurium seeds are hard to produce and procure whereas their divisions have natural root growth. Every year few new shoots grow from the adjacent sides of the main root base. It does not require any special preparation.
- Anthurium Divivsons are identical to their parents in quality. Whereas the plants grown from seed may differ a lot from their parent.
- Anthurium divisions can be grown directly in their desired locations. On the other hand, their seedlings will require years of care and maintenance before they can transplant to the final spot.
Check out Live Anthurium Plants on Amazon.
When is the Right Time to Make Anthurium Divisions?
2 years or older Anthurium plants usually have multiple shoot growth. Each healthy Anthurium plant should have 4-6 direct divisions attached to the main root system of the parent plant. They look like baby plants accompanying the parent Anthurium.
We can split and divide these baby plants. Spring is the best time of the year to make Anthurium divisions. Although you can also do this during container change or during the fall season.
Mid-March to May and August to mid-October is the right time for making Anthurium divisions.
How to Spilt and Divide Anthuriums?
It is quite easy to split and divide Anthuriums. You should start by taking out the plant carefully from its container. Then remove some soil and split the adjacent plants away from the parent. Plant each of these divisions in their respective containers and care for them until they develop new foliage. Keep reading for precise details.
- Start by removing the topsoil from the container. It will ease the handling process by reducing container weight.
- Gently tap the container on its side and bottom to release the roots and soil. Anthurium is known for being root-bound. Therefore loosening the soil will definitely help.
- The next step is to take out the plant from the container. This must be done carefully without breaking the plant, root, or container.
- Remove as much soil as you can and then wash off the roots to make them visible.
- Gently pull off each division or stock by your hand. Hold them from their root base not from the upper stem else they may break and damage.
- You can also use a sharp knife or clean shear to split open the divisions. Although don’t forget to wash off the tools with disinfectant solution or rubbing alcohol before and after each slice.
- There should be 5-7 adjacent plants suitable for division. Although you should split only big mature plants. Leave others for growing and maturing until next year.
- Meanwhile, keep new containers and potting mix ready for Anthurium divisions. Use a 6-inch container for the first transplant.
- Replant each division as well as the parent plant just after division in soft moist soil.
- You can keep the Anthurium divisions in small containers for 2-4 months for development. It is a healthy technique that can help in better plant health. Although intermediate transplant is not necessary for Anthuriums.
Precaution while Propagating Anthurium by Division
- Always clean the tools with rubbing alcohol or disinfectant solution to prevent disease spread.
- Don’t leave open wounds on the stem or division. It may get infected by fungal spores, you can instead treat them with fungicide and cover them with soil mix.
- Remove dead and dry leaves before splitting divisions from Anthurium plants. It will keep the plant clean by exposing any possible pest or disease infection to the roots.
- Also, remove dead and decaying roots. This is especially helpful if the plant is root bound in the container.
- If the division has any symptoms of a disease or rotting then discard it. Never regrow infected divisions not even for testing. It may spread the disease to adjacent plants or to the soil and container.
- Don’t forget to treat the soil and container with any contact fungicide before planting the divisions.
- Don’t split small rootless divisions from the Anthurium plant. They may grow but the chance of rooting is less than a fungal infection.
- Keep the soil moist and use misting to maintain humidity for better growth. Never allow the soil to dry completely.
- Don’t place the newly split Anthirum division on direct sunlight. You can put them near a window or in grow light where they can receive filtered cool light just enough to develop new roots.
- Never split Anthuriums in peak summer or during cold winter season unless it is in a temperature-controlled environment. Anthurium divisions are successful only when the humidity is above 85% and the temperature remains constant between 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Propagate healthy Anthurium Divisions
- A newly Split Anthurium Division may take 2-4 months to develop healthy root growth with new foliage. You should wait before transplant until 4-6 new leaves grow in it.
- Once a Division is ready with multiple leaves and at least 6 to 8 aerial root nodes, It’s time for transplant.
- Take an 8-inch or bigger container and fill 1/3rd of it with light commercial soil mix. Don’t press it, the Anthurium plant needs loose, soft, and moist soil.
- Place the division with a rootball intact. Cover the remaining space with the same soil mix.
- Water thoroughly until the container drips out from the bottom hole.
- Keep the container in a well-lit spot until it develops new growth.
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Care for Anthurium Divisions
- Always keep the soil moist. Never let it dry completely.
- Spray the plant with neem oil to prevent pest attacks.
- Use contact fungicide with first-time watering to prevent fungal growth in the soil.
- If the humidity drops below 70% then you can mist the foliage once or twice every day. Sometimes moving the plants near water sources like a sink or an aquarium will also help.
- At last feed the new Anthurium divisions with liquid fertilizer or bone meal and compost once in 40 days.
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