Lizards are the most common creatures in our garden. There are more than 3800 known species of lizard. Many of them are familiar with our garden. Have you seen anyone in your garden? How many of them-specially garden lizards do you know?
In the garden, the lizards are mostly green, though you can find them in black, brown, yellow and some with striped pattern.
What does a Garden Lizard Eat? – Most of the garden lizards are a carnivore. Their diet mainly includes flies, small insects, worms, mites, also spiders and ants comes in this category. Some lizards are even known to eat small fruits and berries- isn’t it interesting! Actually, they need only a few preys to satisfy their diet.
Most of the time you can find them hunting in the morning or evening when the temperature is not so high neither cold to harm them.
The scientific name of Common Garden Lizard- The scientific name for a garden lizard is “Calotes Versicolor”. The main reason for such naming is the versatility of their diet and habitat. The variation in the shape and size and also the variety in color pattern has made a garden lizard the most unique reptile.
Common Names of Garden Lizard– These Lizards are commonly known as Garden lizard but do you know they have few other names also? Yes, they are known by the name of – changeable lizard, oriental garden lizard, eastern garden lizard, and agamid lizard.
What does a Garden Lizard Drink? – Ok, as we all know they feed on other animals. So their diet mostly includes proteins. The food provides energy but to maintain humidity and moisture, most of these garden lizards need water. Yes, they drink water and sometimes their requirement for water is fulfilled by the prey they catch to eat.
What is a garden Lizard? – Speaking of Lizards, They have tremendous variation in shape, size, and color. These variations are the result of the change in their habitat and diet. So have you ever thought- which of these Lizards can be considered as garden lizards? Is there any specific garden lizard or it is termed for the group?
Ok, let’s start with answering the basic question- The types. Yes, the most common lizards can be seen in your garden are:-
- Garden Skinks
- Geeko (Geekota)
- Chameleon
- Land mullet
Interested in Reptiles- read more About “How do Garden Snakes look like”.
Sometimes, actually, rarely you can see even Iguana or a large monitor lizard and possibly even a Komodo dragon. Although it is only possible if you live near specifically their habitat.
In general, throughout the Americas- you can find Skink. So you can consider Garden Skink as the most common garden lizard.
15 Weird things a Garden Lizard can eat & drink
- Baby Snakes- Yes, it’s 100% true. It is weird but a well-known fact that several garden lizards can eat newly hatched non-venomous snakes. In fact, few lizards can even eat snake eggs.
- Yes, lizards love to eat butterflies. If you like Garden full of colorful butterflies, then you must control the number of lizards in your garden.
- Especially if you make compost for your plants and for that you collect worms occasionally. These worms are very easy food for garden skink and even for some birds.
- Crickets
- Moths
- Slaters
- Honeybees
- Wasps
- Slugs
- Dandelion
- Spiders
- Ants
- Grubs
- Caterpillars
- Grasshoppers
- Cockroaches
- Earwigs
- Maggots
- Their own eggs sometimes if very hungry
- Small Lizards- especially when males roaming for females and for domination. This is a very rare situation so it is very obvious that many of us have never seen this happening before.
Garden Lizards mostly depends on their prey for moisture and sometimes drink the collected rainwater and form moisture fruits and berries.
Do garden Lizards need Water? – Yes, most lizards need water to survive. They need water to maintain body water as well as to maintain the moisture in their skin. It is very essential to prevent their skin from drying. Though they need water most of these garden lizard cannot survive in excess water. In fact, they can drown and die if fall in water deep enough to submerge them So if you have a pet lizard or planning for a new one then always query for their water requirement and safety with diet and habitat.
![Green Garden Lizard](
How long can a Garden lizard grow? –Mostly a garden Lizard can grow up to 4-8 inch or 10 to 30 cm long. Generally, Male lizards are larger than females. Especially in mating season, Males grow larger, and females change their color- they grow lighter. Sometimes you find garden lizard growing larger than 10 inches.
How long can a Garden lizard live? – An interesting fact about garden lizard- due variation in their diet and habitat their lifespan also changes accordingly. Sometimes they can only survive a Yearlong and another time in a favorable condition they can even live for 10 long years. So the effective lifespan of a Garden lizard is between 1 to 10 years.
Where do they live? – Another question that you may ask- What is the natural habitat of a garden lizard? As we are talking about a lizard in the garden, this means they should live in the garden I think.
But your garden is not a certain spot that you can point out. Actually, most of the lizards including the common garden lizard love warm temperature and moisture. They are reptiles and are cold blooded. So to maintain their body temperature they need heat from the environment. The water or moisture protects their skin from drying up. Are you getting distracted? What’s all this about, is it something to do with the habitat of lizard?
Yes, Perfectly right. The garden lizard is familiar with warm green environment- full of moisture. Worldwide the major variety of garden lizards are found mostly in Asia, African tropical forest and in the Amazon basin. These areas are best for any reptiles to grow healthy.
Is Garden Lizard Harmful to Us? – No, Not really. Believe me or not Garden lizards are completely harmless. Though they can bite you sometimes they don’t have any venom. So there is no need to worry. In fact, most garden lizards are good for our garden and they help us to control insects and pest growth in the garden and hence ultimately helps us and prevents our plants from any damage and infections.
Some Interesting facts about Garden Lizards
- A female garden lizard can mate with more than 10 male lizards before laying the egg. This behavior ensures healthy genes for next generations.
- The Eggs of Garden lizard is completely round. It is very similar to a tiny round white ball. Most of the eggs are at most 1cm or ½ inch in diameter.
- Sometimes you can find green or yellow eggs of garden lizards. The color of eggs does not relate to the color of a parent or newborn garden lizard.
- The rise or fall in temperature results in more male or female lizard birth. Yes, it is an interesting phenomenon. If the temperature is above average then most of the eggs will hatch male lizards and if the temperature is colder then more females will be born. Temperature is a major factor in governing the gender decision of new baby lizards.
- Newly born lizards have a hard beak or pin-like structure in front of their mouth. This structure is natural support for the baby lizards to break the hard shell of the eggs and comes out quickly. Within a week from hatching out of their eggs, they lose these beaks as they don’t need it further.
- Lizards are born predator so, within an hour of their birth, the newly born lizards start hunting insects like housefly, mosquito, and ants.
- Like an ordinary house lizard, a garden lizard can also regenerate its lost tail but it is not common in all species.
Concluding with the fact that the more you read the more you understand. Garden Lizards- These creatures are very interesting. They can help us in gardening and can control insect outgrowth by eating them. They are beautiful enough to be kept as a pet. There are several varieties available to choose from.
If you are planning to have one as a new pet, just learn their habits for food and habitat details before getting them from a pet shop.
These pets are costly so always prepare for the overheads before purchasing them. If you need any other details about garden lizards please let me know. Just ask me anything and I will definitely try to solve your problem.
Go green Go Gardening with Garden bagan!
I just caught a tiny garden Lizard for a pet I have him in a small Mason Jar but he doesn’t seem to be eating the ants and flies I have put in there for him. I fear he will die if he doesn’t get the nutrients he needs. Do you have any suggestions or should I just release him? He came into my apartment looking for food and water I guess.
Generally, Wild lizards are not very easy to pet. The difference in climatic conditions also makes this process complicated. You can either let the lizard free or provide him more room with a proper hiding spot. Time and proper care is something you have to follow.
Just caught a wild liaised I’m are back yard we wish to care for it until tail regrows
We have water for it gave it fruit
Is there any food( protein) we can buy it from pet food store