In this article, we will learn to Save Pansies From Bugs and Insects. Pansies are beautiful cool weather flowers. They are small in size and pretty easy to grow. These beautiful flowering herbs can attract anyone. They are a treat for the eye and the best part is they can survive well in part shade. Caring These plants can be tricky as they prefer very precise weather conditions. They can’t survive frost or hot summer daylight. The temperature should remain stable within 18-25 degrees celsius or not more than 75 Fahrenheit. Despite all of their glory, They are not immune to pests and diseases. Pansy plants may face pest problems and disease, especially during cloudy days and improper plant care.

You can’t always stop pest attacks but you can save pansies with precautions. So let’s start our journey…
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Is Pansies Pone to Pest Problems?
Just like any other flowering plant, Pansies are also prone to pest problems. They have soft stems and leaves. The low-lying pansy leaves are more prone to pest attack. They provide ample space for tiny sap-sucking pests like aphids to hide and breed.
Their small height may pose a threat to soil-borne diseases. Watering these plants can be tricky as the soil can easily splash over the foliage. It can carry fungal spores and infect the plant.
This does not mean that pansy plants are completely defenseless. They can fight against mild problems, especially in the early phase. The plant has its own defense mechanism that helps it to heal quickly. Although if the infestation grows then it may perish. This is the time when these plants need our help.
We can save a pansy plant from pest infestation. Although if the source of the problem remains then it will rebound again and again. therefore there is a need to understand the real cause of the pest problem and eradicate it instead of waiting for pest control.
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What Causes Pest Problems in Pansies?
Pansy plants are very delicate with watering. Overwatering is the main cause of all plant problems in Pansies. Damp soil can cause root rot and the same can happen with the stems.
Too much moisture attracts pests and insects. They like warm damp dark hiding spots. The lower portion of a damp pansy leaf is the right spot for their breeding.
If excess moisture is not causing problems then look for an abundance of sunlight, temperature, soil condition, or the space between plants.
Usually, any other infected plant can spread pests to healthy ones. Therefore keep an eye on any sign of infestation.
Cause of Pest Problems
- Overwatering
- Damp soil
- Poor Drainage
- Decaying organic matter
- Dirty Surrounding
- Poor soil conditions
- Inadequate lighting
- Lack of space
- Use of infected garden Tools
- Gardening near an infected plant or container.
These are the main cause of pest infestation in pansies. Keep them in control and avoid making basic gardening mistakes like overwatering or excessive use of fertilizers. Maintain as much cleanliness as you can.
Common Pests and Insects on Pansy Plants
- Aphids
- Whiteflies
- Caterpillars
- Spider mites
- Leaf miners
- Thrips
- Slugs and Snails
Other than these your pansies may face bird attacks, especially during the seedling stage. Sometimes beetle grubs and nematodes can also cause problems.
You can use a neem oil spray to treat pest problems in the early stage. It will not kill them instead repels them away from the plant. Soap water can also help treatment of flies and other bugs.
Homemade garlic and pepper spray can help with the treatment of slugs and snails. You can also use eggshells to keep slugs and snails away.
These are also first aid techniques. They work with mild pest infestation. Therefore use them as preventive measures. If the condition escalates then use general-purpose pesticides.
Is it Difficult to protect Pansies from Pests?
Saving pansy plants from pest attacks is easy especially if you know how to deal with them. Sometimes It may be difficult to protect them. It may happen despite all effort. Changes in temperature and climate can lead to complexities. We can adjust them with green nets or moving containers to bright light. Yet there is a fair chance that these plants may get infested.
Always be prepared for the situation. Start with general precautionary measures and if it does not work then use pesticides to treat the infestation.
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How to Save Pansies from Bugs and Insects?
- Keep the plants dry. Never pour water on the foliage and let the soil dry before watering.
- Maintain proper space among each pansy plant. Air circulation can keep infestation low.
- Treat the soil with fungicide before planting pansies. Also, dry it in full sunlight for a couple of days.
- Regularly keep an eye on the pansy plants. Look for any sign of infestation. Check under the leaves and on the leaf nodes.
- Spray these plants with neem oil twice every week. It should keep bugs and insects away.
- Use soap water to distract and kill flying insects like aphids and whiteflies.
- Keep the area clean and never let dead and decaying organic matter near the plants. It may attract pests and insects toward the pansy plant.
- Remove spent flowers and dead leaves to keep the plant clean and healthy.
- You can also introduce predator insects like parasitic wasps and ladybugs to control aphids and other pests.
- At last, if none of the natural methods work then use chemical pesticides. Any general-purpose pesticide will work for pest infestation in pansy plants.
The overall care for the pansy plants is the key to their safety. Plants grown in proper care are less prone to pest attack. They are strong and more immune to common problems. Even after infestation, their recovery rate is better than others.
Therefore start with general plant care and then proceed with pest treatment.