Do Banana have seeds?- Yes, Bananas do have seeds. Sometimes it is visible sometimes not. But almost every variety of banana fruits have some kind of seeds. The only difference is that whether these are fertile or sterile seeds.
Bananas are an important part of our diet. An average American consumes 22 pounds of Banana every year. It is a rich source of calcium and iron. It’s sweet it’s healthy. Banana is just like a delicious dessert- a natural dessert full of goodies.
![Do Banana have seeds](
Do you know- There are more than 1000 varieties of Bananas found and grown worldwide.
Also read: Are Lemons and Limes the same Fruit?-Kitchen facts
Interestingly, most of these varieties reproduce asexually. This means their seeds don’t take part in their propagation. Isn’t it strange?
A plant that produces so many fruits at once and these fruits are of no use to them at all. They don’t form seeds or what? What is the actual story behind this? Do banana have seeds, or not? keep reading for the actual answer.
Do real bananas have seeds?
Yes, Most bananas do have seeds. Even those purchased from stores do have seeds. But you may have not noticed it. If you watch carefully then you may find some tiny black dots in the center region of banana. These dots are the sterile seeds that are of no use for the plants now.
![seeds wild banana](
Despite the fact, sometimes we don’t find a seed in banana. The actual reason is that banana as a whole variety is a genetically modified fruit. It is hybridized successively for generations to obtain the best fruits full of flesh and flavor but no seeds.
The ancient wild varieties of banana have large black seeds. Those fruits have a large number of seeds and very less edible flesh. This condition of fruit was not very suitable for commercial or edible use. So to get something more fruity with less or least number of seeds, Selective cross-breeding was done.
Initially, this process was not scientifically controlled. It was merely selection by choice- Natures choice. Nearly 8000 years ago somewhere in southeast Asia, this process was started. Most of the hybridization was done by nature and natural forces at that time.
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Later on human played an important role in selecting definite traits, like the taste, size, and especially the number of seeds. Actually, the seeds were of no edible use. Those seeds were hard and mostly indigestible. Also, the seeds cover the most part of the fruit leaving very less space for flesh. So it was of no use and needed to be changed.
Therefore, early farmers select banana varieties with less number of seeds and leave others. This selective approach made the desired trait prominent and nearly extinct those with no use. This was the time when humans create something that modern science can called genetically modified varieties.
With generations of successive breeding the banana loose its ability to produce seeds or at least fertile seeds. The hybridization helped produce a banana with more flesh and no seeds like the well known Cavendish Banana variety. But with this selective approach there comes some risk.
Now with no sexual reproduction, new banana plants can not develop genetic immunity against diseases. This creates a serious threat to the entire banana family of extinction due to disease someday. This is not an assumption, nearly 36 different varieties of banana are now extinct or nearly endangered in the last 30 years due to successive attacks of fungus and plant diseases.
Where are the seeds of a banana?
This is an interesting question. Actually, the answer depends on your choice. what type of banana you are asking for? Yes, it’s right- the type, not the variety.
Technically, Banana is or two specific types at least in general terms. These are Diploids and Triploids. Don’t worry it is not that difficult to understand.
Diploids or Diploid banana is a fruit that can be easily sliced into parts longitudinally- on the length. If you press such a banana then it will break into two almost equal parts from the middle length. You are certainly not familiar with such a banana. Most wild varieties of banana are Diploids. Diploid banana contains a bigger and large number of real seeds. Seeds in the diploid banana are located near to the center but can acquire the majority of space sometimes.
Triploids banana is similar but with three equal parts instead of two. Most of the modern banana including the Cavendish variety are triploid banana. These bananas contain no seeds or very few sterile seeds. The seeds are tiny and very few, located near the central lining of the triploids.
How many seeds does a banana have?
The number of seeds in Cavendish banana variety is nearly 0-6 seed. Mostly these seeds are unnoticeable. We consume these without being worried or even knowing that it is there.
On the other hand, some other modern varieties of banana can contain seeds anywhere between 3-15 seeds per fruit. In recent studies, it is found that an average banana is expected to have 9 seeds per bunch. This is quite low when compared to 20-30 seeds per fruits in wild bananas.
Do bananas have black seeds inside?– Yes, in most cases banana does have black seeds inside them. Sometimes these seeds are so tiny that they get unnoticed. Other times, you can see some big round or even flat black seed inside a banana. Depending on the shape size, quality, and variety of banana its seed can be black, brown, or even transparent in color.
What is a banana seed called?– A banana seed is called banana seed, nothing else. It is true, there is no special name for this – so sorry. Some people may say it a gymnosperm or so, but believe me it not especially for Banana seed. It is a seed so call it a seed. no need to bother about the technical names and all.
What is the size of banana seeds?- Yes, this is something you need to know. Some banana seeds are bigger than black pepper. It was unbelievable unless I saw it on my own. According to science and my own experience, I can say that a banana seed can become as big as 0.7cm in diameter and as small as 0.1 cm in diameter or even smaller sometimes.
Banana seeds are said to be round but believe me they are not, At least not always. A Banana seed can be round, circular, spherical, elliptical, flat, or pointed. These differences are all because of variations in the genetic structure and especially the variety of banana.
Why Don’t Bananas Have Seeds?
No, they do. Bananas do have seeds. Still, this question is valid. Because the banana we are familiar with like the Cavendish variety barely has any seeds. We consider them seedless. Somehow it is true to an extent. But hows this possible or why is this possible?
In science, we all have learned, or at least I expect you have- That plants produce fruits to nourish, protect, and develop seeds. It is a necessary requirement for every plant to survive and continue its generation. Seeds are the main outcome of sexual reproduction in the plant kingdom. Without that plant may not survive or at least not expected to survive for long.
Nature usually doesn’t encourage such modifications. The cultivators intended to develop a variety of banana that contains only the pulp or the flesh but no fruits. This desire has led to the development of modern hybridized crops including Cavendish bananas.
Now with so many modifications, these bananas cannot fight against new fungus or plant viruses. They can not develop natural immunity to these diseases. It can only be done by sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction is not possible without seeds. If we don’t support these modified banana varieties with induced immunity then they will certainly extinct in the coming years. Researchers are working on developing more viable and immune varieties of banana. unless we have one with desired qualities, these plants are always in danger, So our favorite natural desert-Banana.
Before leaving you should read How to grow Chili Pepper plants faster from seeds.
Bananas do Have seeds but sometimes we ignore them. It is always good to know more about what we have on our plates. It is concerned with our health as well as our taste. So today’s question what do you think about seeds in a banana?
Tell us what you think and help others to know and learn more interesting kitchen garden facts like this. Are you Interested in Bananas? I have something for You. You know you can Grow banana in pots- Yes, But for that stay tuned and write down your queries.
Wanna read something interesting read this: Why do Plants need Water? 5 Reason to Know.
Like the Green!
Image credit: quora