Have you ever tried to pull out weeds from your potted plant? Isn’t it tough? Sometimes it is harder than it looks. Now imagine if you try pulling out a plant from the pot. It holds the soil...
Category: FAQ
Do plants have DNA?- Yes, they have. Plants, in all their shapes and sizes- do have DNA. It is the base of any specific characteristics like color, shape, size, flowers, fruits and everything seen...
Do you like Mosquitoes? I know You don't. In fact, no one will agree with this. This is because Mosquitoes are the carrier of some of the deadliest diseases causing the highest fatality rate in the...
The Tallest plant in the World- Grass- Interesting but true. The grass is probably the fastest growing plant in our garden. Sometimes it looks beautiful and forms the lush green beds in the lawn....
Grass, a very interesting plant family. It is so common that most of us ignore it every day. We see grass everywhere even in our lawn. It is important vegetation for the ecosystem. In fact, any...
Lizards are the most common creatures in our garden. There are more than 3800 known species of lizard. Many of them are familiar with our garden. Have you seen anyone in your garden? How many of...