Welcome back, friends. This is another post in the series of knowing the root systems. My previous post was Plants with fibrous roots. You can check it with the given link. Today we will discuss the...
Category: FAQ
Succulents- tiny little green, brown, purple plants decorating your tabletop. Really It is all? It this the only thing a succulent got? Nope, certainly not. A succulent is a more diverse group of...
Southern Sandspur or field Sandbur is commonly called as Burr grass. These are a type of grass weeds with spiny heads. The seeds of grass burr are also very spiny. Sometimes they are painful and hard...
Can you use garden soil for indoor plants?- Yes, you can use garden soil for indoor plants. Garden soil is the best freely available media for indoor plants. It can fulfill all the basic necessities...
Do you like mushrooms? I think you do. If it's true then you would definitely like to grow your own oyster mushroom at home. I am using a simple polybag for this purpose. It's so easy that even your...
Do all plants produce oxygen?- Yes, All green plants produce Oxygen. In fact, some non-green members of the plant kingdom produce oxygen. Some produce less and some produce more but they all...